How To Create Admin Panel using Filament [TALL STACK]

How To Create Admin Panel using Filament [TALL STACK]

The Filament admin panel is a collection of tools for rapidly building beautiful TALL stack interfaces designed for humans. Build pages, engaging dashboard modules, charts, plugins, and more.

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how we can create an admin panel with CRUD using Filament.

Note: In this article, I assume you already created a new Laravel project and configure your database credentials.

1. Requeriments

  • Laravel v8.0+

  • Livewire v2.0+

  • PHP v8.0+

2. Installation and Login

In your terminal execute

composer require filament/filament

If you want to access the login page in your project put the following url




You should see this login page


If you don't have a user, you can execute this command in your terminal

php artisan make:filament-user

After that, you put your credentials like this


Now, we can login.


How cool is that!!!.

3. Project Model

Let's create a new Project model with migration using this command

php artisan make:model Project -m

Open your migration located in database/migration, write this code

  public function up()
        Schema::create('projects', function (Blueprint $table) {

Execute the migration php artisan migrate

The next step is to go to App\Models\Project.php add the fillable fields and relation

 protected $fillable = [

public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

Now, we can continue

4. Project Resource

The resource in Filament is the way to manage our tables, form, views, and more, it's like a kind of controller to configure all that we need to work with our model and create the CRUD.

To create a Resource, execute

php artisan make:filament-resource Project

This will generate these files


In your admin panel, you should see a new menu


Let's move on

5. Defining Colums Table

Let's go to app/Filament/Resources/ProjectResource.php inside that file you'll see a static table() method which contains two columns() and filters(), we can define our columns (database fields) like this

  public static function table(Table $table): Table
        return $table

Note: To work with a belogsTo relationship only need to use dot notation like

6. Create Project Form

In app/Filament/Resources/ProjectResource.php we need to create the inputs of the form inside static form method like this

   public static function form(Form $form): Form
        return $form
                BelongsToSelect::make('user_id')->relationship('user', 'name')
  • Don't forget to import Textarea, DatePicker, BelongsToSelect

  • When we work with dates the format() function correspond to the format of the value to store in the database

  • In BelongsToSelect we need to put the foreign key inside make, relationship receives two parameters the first one is the name of the relationship and the second one is the field you want to display

In the create page you'll see this form


Let's create some data.

The final view is


That's it, we build an admin panel alongside CRUD in a couple of minutes. How cool is that!!!.

If you want to read more about Filament check this link Filament Official Docs