5 Laravel Packages To Use In Every Project

5 Laravel Packages To Use In Every Project

Laravel Debugbar is one of those best Laravel packages that help users add a developer toolbar to their application(s). This package is mainly used for debugging purposes.

This package looks like laravel_debugbar.png

You can check the documentation through this link Laravel Debugbar

The package monitors your queries in real-time while you develop your applications and notifies you of any N+1 issues when your application is in debug mode.

See this example


See the docs: Laravel N+1 Query Detector

Laravel Auditing allows you to keep a history of model changes by simply using a trait. Retrieving the audited data is straightforward, making it possible to display it in various ways.

Official Docs Laravel Auditing

Think of Enlightn as your performance and security consultant. Enlightn will "review" your code and server configurations, and give you actionable recommendations on improving performance, security, and reliability.

This package has two versions one is open source and the other is commercial.

Check the official repo Enlightn

This Laravel package creates a backup of your application. The backup is a zip file that contains all files in the directories you specify along with a dump of your database. The backup can be stored on any of the filesystems you have configured in Laravel.

Check the docs. Laravel Backup

If you have another package to include in the list leave it in the comment section.

Thanks for reading.