How to Filter Dates with Eloquent Laravel

How to Filter Dates with Eloquent Laravel

Imagine you want to filter some data like for example sales by month, year, or by a custom range, Laravel offers a convenient way to do that.

Let's see how we can do it.

  • Filter by Year

    Sale::whereYear('date_sale', date('Y'))->get();
  • Filter by Month

    Sale::whereMonth('date_sale', date('m'))->get();
  • Filter by Day

    Sale::whereDay('date_sale', date('d'))->get();
  • Filter by Date

    Sale::whereDate('date_sale', '2021-10-10')->get();
  • Filter by Custom Range

    Sale::whereBetween('date_sale', ['2021-05-30', '2021-10-30'])->get();

Note: As you can see whereDate receive a date in format Y-m-d if you are receiving parameters from a datepicker in a different format you can use Carbon to change the format.

Thanks for reading.